A Photo That Makes Me Happy

November 25, 2011 § Leave a comment


        This is my mini pin, Chibby. I’ve had her for 2 years now. She’s really active! Really really makulit! This is my favorite photo of her. When I look at this, I go “Awwwwww you cute bastard!”. Haha! She always gets her way with me, with her uber cute puppy eyes. When she begs for another treat, I find myself always giving in to that ball of cuteness. She makes me go gigiiiiiiiiil over her! When I’m sick, she cuddles with me. When I’m lonely, she plays with me. She’s my stress reliever. I can’t imagine life without her! I love her to bits!

So…..tomorrow the challenge continues!

Every Relationship Has A Fine Line

October 21, 2011 § Leave a comment

 Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same. – Flavia Weedn

Human nature cannot be predicted. We all think that we know somebody. That means that we believe that we know how a friend or family member would react to a situation. Do we really?

Even though it is fantastic to have friends, some friendships just do not last forever. When friends change or when friendships change, it can be difficult. You’d like to think that all of your best friends will always be there for you, but sometimes friends change. This might be a change for the better, and it can work great with your friendship. But, it might not be such a positive change, and if that is the case, your friendship might have to end.

Change is a natural part of growth. When people grow, they change. As people get older, they have different ideas. Sometimes, people change as they learn more things about the world. This is a natural part of growing up. If you can hang on to your friends as you all change, you’ll find that your relationships will get stronger.Although everyone changes, sometimes a friend changes in a different way. You might have a friend, or even a group of friends, that go in a totally different direction from where you are going. This might make you feel left behind. It might be that your friend is suddenly into things that you don’t care about, or is hanging out with people that you really don’t want to be friends with. Most of the time, friends don’t do this in order to hurt you. It is simply a matter of growing up – changing feelings and beliefs, as well as attitudes and interests. But, of course, it still hurts to feel left behind. Some friends are only meant to be in your life for a single reason, or a single part of time. When these friends have served their purpose (or you have served your purpose for them), you’ll both move on to new friends. Everyone is put into your life for a reason.

Changing friends is part of life – and a necessary one – because as certain friendships grow apart you’ll learn the things about yourself and the kinds of friendships that you want to have. You’ll think more about what you want to look for in a friend and you’ll learn about things that you want to avoid having in a friend. Changing friends is part of life. It is a part of life from which you can learn a great deal if you take the time to reflect on what is happening and why – as well as what you can do to make the situation turn out as positive as possible. Keep a bright outlook and you will do well.

My personality and views on life have changed immensely over the few years I’ve been away(I moved from Zamboanga to Manila 3 years ago, for security reasons), so I am guilty of this as well. I didn’t even know a person can change that quickly. I haven’t seen my friends in a long time. I am making a huge effort in keeping in touch with all my friends I left back home. Some are responding, and some…eh not so much. It broke my heart, but I learned to accept the fact that people change. Change IS a part of life. And when you learn to accept and move on without  holding a grudge, life will be much easier. No, I am not hallucinating nor have I lost it. I’ve  just been coming to terms with life and people around me. I realized that with every relationship there is a fine line, some more visible than others. And no one is really ours……are they?


>Mainstream Music: Art for Art’s Sake

January 15, 2011 § Leave a comment


 The reason that radio music is so popular is because of the radio. People have radios everywhere. Whether it is in the car, at work or in their home. Top 100 radio stations are paid to play what people want to hear and that is most likely the songs you will find annoying and repetitive. When you listen to one of those stations you cannot go 2 hours without hearing the same song over again. People request what they want to hear and the radio plays it. It’s catchy and supposedly good music but some will disagree. The music is recorded, put into a machine to smooth it out and then sent out to the radio stations nationwide. Nothing is real anymore. The Beatles (along with other bands/musicians) were the pioneers of making music without all the finishing equipment. They wanted to make real music so they recorded their music in a natural fashion, just The Fab Four and their instruments. That went on to be some of the greatest and most influential music ever written and you can attribute that to their promise to make real music. The real musicians are out there, you just have to look harder to find them. –Joseph Toeben

        What I suppose most people forget about mainstream music is that the performer does not write it. Professional songwriters are behind them doing their job. In today’s society music is controlled not by what people want to hear, not by the bands making music but by a group of around a hundred so called music executives, who release what will sell. They aim music like Pop Idol, and that kind of crap to a demographic who has no other choice than to think that this is both music and what life can be like. And frankly I am sick of it. MTV is as guilty as the rest in the recent years. They need to remember what made them popular was their attitude that they were going to be different and now they are the mould. It really sickens me. There is another kind of music, however, that is less known and not as many people listen to, underground music. Underground music, is music that isn’t played on the radio or television. There’s a multitude of music within the underground that survives on it’s own merit, and not the merit of marketing.

        As far as the “underground” goes, there is crap that is just as tainted as the crap in the main-crap-stream, but the percentage is lower. Music is so fragmented nowMake music the end again not just the means for money making. But if you really like music and you really want to listen to good music then you have to go out and find it, rather than take just what’s handed to you.

Micro-Blogging Faux Pas To Avoid

December 21, 2010 § Leave a comment

If you haven’t already been on Twitter, then you’ve been missing a great deal. The number of new Twitter users have soared over the past few months, as the micro-blogging service has taken the media by storm. Although new users may be baffled by Twitter’s peculiar culture, as I was when I joined the network a year ago.

Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows you answer the question, “What are you doing?” by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called “tweets”, to your friends, or “followers.” –Tweeternet

Yes, all tweets are limited to 140 characters. I know right? You really can’t say much in 140 characters. This forces users to be more concise with their tweets. But that’s part of Twitter’s charm. The short format of tweets are the defining characteristic of the network. But if you find it hard to say what you want to say due to the character restriction, you can post longer tweets through third party applications such as TwitLonger, ezTweets, JumboTweets and many more others. Although it is not recommended to post long tweets as opposed to the 140 character constraint. The point of Twitter is you get quick updates. That’s the novelty of it, that it’s quick and easy.

Twitter is a great way to keep in touch with your friends and quickly broadcast information about where you are and what you’re up to. It’s also a less gated method of communication. You can share information with people you wouldn’t normally exchange messages with, thus opening up your circle of friends to people who share the same interests as yours. As for bloggers like me out there, Twitter can help you enhance your blog. You can have a link of your blog or site posted on your profile page. And you can inform your followers of new articles you published by linking to them in your tweets. Twitter is also business-friendly. It can be used to broadcast your company’s latest news and blog posts, interact with customers or enable easy internal collaboration and group communication. You can make some amazing connections which will improve your business and help you form some important relationships. However, if you are obnoxious about plugging your wares, people will begin to avoid or un-follow you. New Marketing is about drawing people in, not to proselytize right? And the best way to do that is by being interesting and engaging. Twittering what amounts to self-promoting ads all day is pretty much just spam. Do you like spam? Yeah, neither does anyone else.The general rule of thumb is that if you wouldn’t do something outside of Twitter, don’t do it on Twitter. Just be yourself. If you follow that rule, most of the time you will have a lot of fun and enjoy Twitter very much, like many of us do. However, there are some things that most people consider socially unacceptable on Twitter, and if you choose to do these things repeatedly, you may have a more difficult time building relationships and you may even ruin your reputation.

Here are some microblogging faux pas you need to AVOID when tweeting:
(Some of these Twitter Don’ts, I got from Mr. Sean Ludwig and Ms. Diana Adams, credits to them.)

1. Spamming – This is the most important one on the list. Nothing will ruin your reputation more quickly than spamming or sending prefabricated auto-DMs to your followers. With all the account hi-jacking going on lately, we just don’t have any patience for this anymore.
2. Drunk Tweeting – Yes, we’ve all had those nights when we’ve had a bit too much to drink. I’ve been there and done that. Just like in real life, your followers might get a kick out of your drunk tweets, but you’ll probably regret them in the morning.
All caps
3. Tweeting In All Caps – This is just plain annoying. Remember, typing in all caps is the online equivalent for yelling. You wouldn’t want someone always yelling in your timeline, would you?
4. Whining About How You Want More Followers – This is so tacky. Engage, send great tweets, build relationships, make friends, have fun – if you do these things and are genuine about it, the followers will come!
5. Being Boring And Tweeting Lame Stuff – No pressure here, but c’mon, let Twitter excite you! Take some chances. Have some fun. Stretch out of your comfort zone a little bit. Never tweet about food or the weather.” If your friends see one more “Im typing a tweet and sitting on our couch!” or “I had some awesome corn flakes for breakfast,” you’re getting un-followed.
6. RT-ing Without Giving RT Credit – Don’t retweet something and leave off the original Twitter poster. Always give credit to those who wrote it first. You can lose trust with people in a hurry if you do this. Give credit where credit is due!
7. Tweeting Something Cool Or Life-Changing W/o A Link Or Picture – Use a service like TwitPic, TweetPhoto or yFrog for your photos, and a URL shortener like TinyURL, bit.ly, tr.im or is.gd for your links.
8. Ignoring People Who Mention Or Send You DMs – Nobody likes a snob. Part of the Twitter experience involves conversing with your followers. Don’t get too caught up with it though, Twitter isn’t a chatroom.
9. Hashtagging Every Topic – Now this is just plain stupid. I’ve come across people who do this. I mean, c’mon! “#OMG I’m so #hungry! Can anyone give me #food? #LOL” or “I can’t find my #phone anywhere. I’m so #dead.” Yeah, annoying.
10. Spewing Negativity All Over Your Followers – Sure, everyone has a bad day every now and then, and that’s part of the beauty of Twitter, we are all here for each other! But when you tweet everyday about how everything sucks, it gets old quick. A positive attitude goes far in life, and on Twitter!
11. Tweeting Your Bathroom Habits – Seriously. Just don’t do it.

While there aren’t specific rules for how to use Twitter, avoiding these 11 Don’ts will help you fit right in—and may even gain you some adoring new followers. Twitter is a great place to meet new friends, share valuable information and spread joy. Let’s keep it that way! Happy tweeting! 🙂


– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Tropical Ave,Parañaque City,Philippines

>Micro-Blogging Faux Pas To Avoid

December 21, 2010 § Leave a comment


If you haven’t already been on Twitter, then you’ve been missing a great deal. The number of new Twitter users have soared over the past few months, as the micro-blogging service has taken the media by storm. Although new users may be baffled by Twitter’s peculiar culture, as I was when I joined the network a year ago.

Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows you answer the question, “What are you doing?” by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called “tweets”, to your friends, or “followers.” –Tweeternet

               Yes, all tweets are limited to 140 characters. I know right? You really can’t say much in 140 characters. This forces users to be more concise with their tweets. But that’s part of Twitter’s charm. The short format of tweets are the defining characteristic of the network. But if you find it hard to say what you want to say due to the character restriction, you can post longer tweets through third party applications such as TwitLonger, ezTweets, JumboTweets and many more others. Although it is not recommended to post long tweets as opposed to the 140 character constraint. The point of Twitter is you get quick updates. That’s the novelty of it, that it’s quick and easy.
               Twitter is a great way to keep in touch with your friends and quickly broadcast information about where you are and what you’re up to. It’s also a less gated method of communication. You can share information with people you wouldn’t normally exchange messages with, thus opening up your circle of friends to people who share the same interests as yours. As for bloggers like me out there, Twitter can help you enhance your blog. You can have a link of your blog or site posted on your profile page. And you can inform your followers of new articles you published by linking to them in your tweets. Twitter is also business-friendly. It can be used to broadcast your company’s latest news and blog posts, interact with customers or enable easy internal collaboration and group communication. You can make some amazing connections which will improve your business and help you form some important relationships. However, if you are obnoxious about plugging your wares, people will begin to avoid or un-follow you. New Marketing is about drawing people in, not to proselytize right? And the best way to do that is by being interesting and engaging. Twittering what amounts to self-promoting ads all day is pretty much just spam. Do you like spam? Yeah, neither does anyone else.The general rule of thumb is that if you wouldn’t do something outside of Twitter, don’t do it on Twitter. Just be yourself. If you follow that rule, most of the time you will have a lot of fun and enjoy Twitter very much, like many of us do. However, there are some things that most people consider socially unacceptable on Twitter, and if you choose to do these things repeatedly, you may have a more difficult time building relationships and you may even ruin your reputation.

Here are some microblogging faux pas you need to AVOID when tweeting:
(Some of these Twitter Don’ts, I got from Mr. Sean Ludwig and Ms. Diana Adams, credits to them.) 

 1. Spamming – This is the most important one on the list. Nothing will ruin your reputation more quickly than spamming or sending prefabricated auto-DMs to your followers. With all the account hi-jacking going on lately, we just don’t have any patience for this anymore.

2. Drunk Tweeting – Yes, we’ve all had those nights when we’ve had a bit too much to drink. I’ve been there and done that. Just like in real life, your followers might get a kick out of your drunk tweets, but you’ll probably regret them in the morning.

 3. Tweeting In All Caps – This is just plain annoying. Remember, typing in all caps is the online equivalent for yelling. You wouldn’t want someone always yelling in your timeline, would you?

4. Whining About How You Want More Followers – This is so tacky. Engage, send great tweets, build relationships, make friends, have fun – if you do these things and are genuine about it, the followers will come!
 5. Being Boring And Tweeting Lame Stuff – No pressure here, but c’mon, let Twitter excite you! Take some chances. Have some fun. Stretch out of your comfort zone a little bit. Never tweet about food or the weather.” If your friends see one more “Im typing a tweet and sitting on our couch!” or “I had some awesome corn flakes for breakfast,” you’re getting un-followed.

6. RT-ing Without Giving RT Credit – Don’t retweet something and leave off the original Twitter poster. Always give credit to those who wrote it first. You can lose trust with people in a hurry if you do this. Give credit where credit is due!
7. Tweeting Something Cool Or Life-Changing W/o A Link Or Picture – Use a service like TwitPic, TweetPhoto or yFrog for your photos, and a URL shortener like TinyURL, bit.ly, tr.im or is.gd for your links.

8. Ignoring People Who Mention Or Send You DMs – Nobody likes a snob. Part of the Twitter experience involves conversing with your followers. Don’t get too caught up with it though, Twitter isn’t a chatroom.
9. Hashtagging Every Topic – Now this is just plain stupid. I’ve come across people who do this. I mean, c’mon! “#OMG I’m so #hungry! Can anyone give me #food? #LOL” or “I can’t find my #phone anywhere. I’m so #dead.” Yeah, annoying.
10. Spewing Negativity All Over Your Followers – Sure, everyone has a bad day every now and then, and that’s part of the beauty of Twitter, we are all here for each other! But when you tweet everyday about how everything sucks, it gets old quick. A positive attitude goes far in life, and on Twitter!
11. Tweeting Your Bathroom Habits – Seriously. Just don’t do it.

               While there aren’t specific rules for how to use Twitter, avoiding these 11 Don’ts will help you fit right in—and may even gain you some adoring new followers. Twitter is a great place to meet new friends, share valuable information and spread joy. Let’s keep it that way! Happy tweeting! 🙂

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

>Project 365; We Are Good To Go!

December 6, 2010 § Leave a comment


People will often say that their whole lives flashed before their eyes after they experienced a traumatic event. Perhaps it’s a bit morbid, but I think that sounds pretty incredible. =p
Taking a photo a day is a big undertaking with big payoffs. Imagine being able to look back at any day of your year and recall what you did or what you learned. Often we find it hard to remember what we did just yesterday or even last night, let alone A WHOLE YEAR AGO!
That’s where Project 365 comes in. This project would not only serve as a way to remember a year, but also help you understand what was important to you in your life. Whether it was your relationships, career, or fashion sense. Recording a photo a day for a whole year will leave you with a rich visual history of your life. And it’ll make you a better photographer to boot! =p
Your year-long photo album will be an amazing way to document your travels and accomplishments, your haircuts and relationships. Time moves surprisingly fast.
Taking a photo a day will also make you a better photographer. Using your camera every day will help you learn its limits. You will get better at composing your shots, you’ll start to care about lighting, and you’ll become more creative with your photography when you’re forced to come up with something new every single day.
I’ve been wanting to do Project 365 for 2 years now. But I just can’t seem to find the determination(LOL) and time. So I decided to use my cellphone camera and upload straight to the net without editting instead. I think this is the best option for me right now. =)
At first I was a bit skeptical, if I should push through with it or not, cause I’d be plugging my phone to the computer everyday and edit then upload manually. It’s too much of a hassle for me. So I did a little research. I googled “Project 365 on the go” and I found a link to iTunes. It’s a good thing I clicked it, I found the PERFECT app for me. *giggles*
The app’s name is Project 365. It’s basically a calendar which shows your daily pictures. You can choose to use the camera or pick a photo from your photo library. It’s perfect for me cause it does everything! All I need to do is snap a picture then write a little description, and viola! It uploads the picture to the net directly, it won’t save in my phone’s library. I can choose to download the image if I want to save it to my library though. Plus I don’t have to plug my phone to the computer. Saves space and time! Its perfect for on-the-go bloggers like me. =)
Here are six tips from Mr. Taylor McKnight on how to create your own Project 365:
Bring Your Camera Everywhere
Yes, everywhere. Get in the habit. Grocery stores, restaurants, parties, work, and school. Going to a movie theatre? Snap a pic of the flick with your phone–there are photo-ops everywhere. If you have one of those tiny tiny cameras, you have no excuse not to have it in your pocket all the time. And if you don’t? Camera phones are a great substitute.
Make Posting Easy
You can install blog software like Movable Type or WordPress on your own site and create an entry for each photo, but for true ease of use, try a photo sharing site. Flickr will let you post a week’s worth of photos in 2 minutes flat, and fotolog and Photoblog.com are geared toward a photo-a-day workflow. Making it fast and easy means you’re much more likely to do it.
Vary Your Themes
Try to capture the day’s events in a single photo. Perform photographic experiments. Take a photo of someone new you meet, something you ate for the first time, or something you just learned how to do. Take a photo of something that made you smile. And don’t forget to take a photo of yourself at least once a month so you can remember how you’ve changed, too.
Tell a Story
Use your blog entry, or your photo description, to explain what’s going on in each day’s photograph. How good did that dinner taste? What made you want to take a photo of that stranger? It’ll help you remember down the road, and it gives friends following along a better appreciation of why you took the photo you did. You don’t need to write a lot, just enough to add some color.
Don’t Stop, No Matter What
This is perhaps the most important tip of all. You will get tired of taking a photo every single day. Some days, you will consider giving up. Don’t. The end result is worth the effort. Remind yourself why you wanted to do it in first place.
There will be times you’ll think there’s nothing interesting left to take a photo of, and times you’ll think you didn’t do anything exciting enough to take a photo of. There’s always a great photo to be made.
Get out of the house and take a walk. Or stay inside and look around. Take a photo of something important to you. Take a photo of the inside of your house so you can see how your taste has changed over the years. Take a photo of anything, just don’t stop.
N.b. It helps if you’ve told your friends about the project and asked them to follow along. Their encouragement will keep you going!
Post early, post often
Plan on going through and posting your photos at least once a week so you don’t get backlogged and feel overwhelmed. Ideally, post every day or two. Again, spend the time up front to make sure it’s quick and easy to post. It’ll make all the difference.
There you go! I hope this inspired you to do your very own Project 365. Enjoy! =)
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

>Bucket List

December 5, 2010 § Leave a comment


          A few days ago, I was surfing online when I came across someone’s bucket list. It quickly inspired me to create my own bucket list as well. Check mine out, click the link on my navi. =)

          If you haven’t heard about the bucket list, it is a list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill and life-experiences you desire to experience before you die. Ever feel your days are passing by without any tangible output to speak of? What were your accomplishments in the past 3 months? What are your upcoming goals for the next 3 months? Look at the things you did and the things you’re planning to do next – Do they mean anything to you if you are to die today? Having a bucket list reminds you of what’s really important so you can act on them. A bucket list opens up the context. It’s a forum to set anything and everything you’ve ever wanted to do, whether it’s big, small or just plain random. =p

          The objective of creating a bucket list isn’t to instill some kind of a race against time or to create aversion towards death. I don’t see our existence to be limited to just our physical years on earth – our physical lifespan is but a short speck of our existence in the universe. The whole point of a bucket list is to maximize every moment of our existence and live our life to the fullest. It’s a reminder of all the things we want to achieve in our time here, so that instead of pandering our time in pointless activities, we are directing it fully toward what matters to us.

          If you don’t have a bucket list, I highly recommend you to create one. How much does it cost? Probably 30 minutes to an hour, or more if you get really caught up in the writing , What do you gain? Significant clarity and focus on what you want from your life. It’s an invaluable exchange. =)

          Come up with as many items as you can. The items should be things you have not done yet. Don’t stop until you finish listing at least 101 things! If you find yourself stuck, chances are you are mentally limiting/constraining yourself. Release those shackles – This is a list of everything you want to achieve, do, see, feel and experience in your life.

“The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” ~ Author Unknown


Bucket List

December 5, 2010 § Leave a comment

A few days ago, I was surfing online when I came across someone’s bucket list. It quickly inspired me to create my own bucket list as well. Check mine out, click the link on my navi. 🙂

If you haven’t heard about the bucket list, it is a list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill and life-experiences you desire to experience before you die. Ever feel your days are passing by without any tangible output to speak of? What were your accomplishments in the past 3 months? What are your upcoming goals for the next 3 months? Look at the things you did and the things you’re planning to do next – Do they mean anything to you if you are to die today? Having a bucket list reminds you of what’s really important so you can act on them. A bucket list opens up the context. It’s a forum to set anything and everything you’ve ever wanted to do, whether it’s big, small or just plain random. =)

The objective of creating a bucket list isn’t to instill some kind of a race against time or to create aversion towards death. I don’t see our existence to be limited to just our physical years on earth – our physical lifespan is but a short speck of our existence in the universe. The whole point of a bucket list is to maximize every moment of our existence and live our life to the fullest. It’s a reminder of all the things we want to achieve in our time here, so that instead of pandering our time in pointless activities, we are directing it fully toward what matters to us.

If you don’t have a bucket list, I highly recommend you to create one. How much does it cost? Probably 30 minutes to an hour, or more if you get really caught up in the writing :). What do you gain? Significant clarity and focus on what you want from your life. It’s an invaluable exchange. :)

Come up with as many items as you can. The items should be things you have not done yet. Don’t stop until you finish listing at least 101 things! If you find yourself stuck, chances are you are mentally limiting/constraining yourself. Release those shackles – This is a list of everything you want to achieve, do, see, feel and experience in your life.


“The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” ~ Author Unknown

Oh College!

November 30, 2010 § Leave a comment

So I found this list of things I wish I knew before before I came to College. This list is insanely accurate. Lol

Before I came to college I wish I had known…

❂ That it didn’t matter how late I scheduled my first class, I’d sleep right through it.

❂ That I could change so much and barely realize it.

❂ That you can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways.

❂ That college kids throw airplanes too.

❂ That if you wear polyester everyone will ask you why you’re so dressed up.

❂ That every clock on campus shows a different time.

❂ That if you were smart in high school–so what?

❂ That I would go to a party the night before a final.

❂ That chem labs require more time than all my classes put together.

❂ That you can know everything and fail a test.

❂ That you can know nothing and ace a test.

❂ That I could get used to almost anything I found out about my roommate.

❂ That home is a great place to visit.

❂ That most of my education would be obtained outside of my classes.

❂ That friendship is more than getting drunk together.

❂ That I would be one of those people my parents warned me about.

❂ That free food served until 10:00 is gone by 9:50.

❂ That Sunday is a figment of the world’s imagination.

❂ That Psychology is really Biology,

❂ That Biology is really Chemistry,That Chemistry is really Physics, and Physics is really Math.

❂ That my parents would become so much smarter in the last few years.

❂ That it’s possible to be alone even when you are surrounded by friends


Ahhh. Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes.
A farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends.

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

>Oh College!

November 30, 2010 § Leave a comment


So I found this list of things I wish I knew before before I came to College. This list is insanely accurate. Lol

Before I came to college I wish I had known…

❂ That it didn’t matter how late I scheduled my first class, I’d sleep right through it.

❂ That I could change so much and barely realize it.

❂ That you can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways.

❂ That college kids throw airplanes too.

❂ That if you wear polyester everyone will ask you why you’re so dressed up.

❂ That every clock on campus shows a different time.

❂ That if you were smart in high school–so what?

❂ That I would go to a party the night before a final.

❂ That chem labs require more time than all my classes put together.

❂ That you can know everything and fail a test.

❂ That you can know nothing and ace a test.

❂ That I could get used to almost anything I found out about my roommate.

❂ That home is a great place to visit.

❂ That most of my education would be obtained outside of my classes.

❂ That friendship is more than getting drunk together.

❂ That I would be one of those people my parents warned me about.

❂ That free food served until 10:00 is gone by 9:50.

❂ That Sunday is a figment of the world’s imagination.

❂ That Psychology is really Biology,

❂ That Biology is really Chemistry,That Chemistry is really Physics, and Physics is really Math.

❂ That my parents would become so much smarter in the last few years.

❂ That it’s possible to be alone even when you are surrounded by friends


Ahhh. Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes.
A farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends.


BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

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